- Общий рынок стран Центральной Америки
Соглашение об образовании общего рынка, подписанное в 1960 г. четырьмя странами Центральной Америки: Гватемалой, Сальвадором, Гондурасом и Никарагуа. Соглашение вступило в силу в июне 1961 г., а в 1962 г. к нему присоединилась Коста-Рика. Согласно соглашению между странами-участницами были устранены таможенные барьеры приблизительно на 85% товаров, при этом сохранились пошлины на некоторые виды сельскохозяйственной продукции. Страны также договорились о поддержке и финансировании отраслей, способствующих развитию региона.
Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa.
О.В. Сиполс.
Смотреть что такое "CENTRAL AMERICAN COMMON MARKET" в других словарях:
Central American Common Market — ˌCentral Aˌmerican ˌCommon ˈMarket abbreviation CACM noun ECONOMICS COMMERCE ORGANIZATIONS an organization of Central American countries, set up to improve living standards and help the development of industry and trade in the area … Financial and business terms
Central American Common Market — [ sentrəl ə merɪkən kɔmən mɑːkət, englisch], der Zentralamerikanische Gemeinsame Markt … Universal-Lexikon
Central American Common Market — Infobox Geopolitical organization native name = Mercado Común Centroamericano name = Central American Common Market (CACM) linking name = the Central American Common Market map caption = Map of Central America indicating CACM members org type =… … Wikipedia
Central American Common Market — Spanish Mercado Común Centroamericano (MCCA) association of five Central American nations that was formed to facilitate regional economic development through free trade and economic integration. Established by the General Treaty on… … Universalium
the Central American Common Market — UK US noun ► POLITICS, ECONOMICS THE CACM(Cf. ↑the CACM) … Financial and business terms
common market — common markets 1) N COUNT A common market is an organization of countries who have agreed to trade freely with each other and make common decisions about industry and agriculture. ...the Central American Common Market. 2) N PROPER: the N The… … English dictionary
Central American Integration System — Sistema de Integración Centroamericana Central American Integration System … Wikipedia
Central American States, Organization of — Spanish Organización de Estados Centroamericanos (ODECA) international organization formed in 1951 to reestablish regional unity in Central America. Member states are Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The… … Universalium
Organization of Central American States — The Organization of Central American States ( es. Organización de Estados Centroamericanos, ODECA) is a regional organisation, formed on October 14, 1951 at a meeting in San Salvador to promote regional cooperation, integrity and unity in Central … Wikipedia
Central America — Central American. continental North America, S of Mexico, usually considered as comprising Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. 18,600,000; 227,933 sq. mi. (590,346 sq. km). * * * Southern portion of North… … Universalium
American Union — may refer to * North American Union * Union of South American Nations * American Union Against Militarism * Central American Common Market … Wikipedia